Board meetings 2024
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of our school. The board meets twice a term, and meetings are held from 6.30-8.30pm at the school. The meeting dates for 2023 are:
28th of February
27th of March
12th of June
7th of August
11th of September
30th of October
27th November
12th of December
The community is welcome to attend board meetings.
Because board meetings are not public meetings, only trustees have automatic speaking rights. The public is also asked to leave the meeting while the board goes into committee (to protect the privacy of individuals or financially sensitive matters).
Sometimes things don’t go the way we'd all hope. If you have a question, concern, complaint or feedback that you’d like to raise with the school, please read our complaints and concerns procedure.
If you have any questions about the Board of Trustees, please email the secretary of the board: execofficer@shotover.school.nz